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omega-3 flax seed oil loses to fish oil
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  Date : Sat Apr 1 02:04:13 2006
  Status : pending approval

West Palm Beach FL -- According to at least one popular diet web site, dieters around the world may be using the wrong oil on their salads, or taking the wrong omega-3 dietary supplement pill.

Omega-3 flax seed oil is taken to get EPA, DHA, and GLA from the essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids it contains. The problem is that to get GLA, EPA and DHA from flax, you need the D6D delta-6 digestive enzyme. And, guess what? The news from is that only many people are born deficient in this enzyme and ability to make and use it declines with age or with poor diets.

EPA, DHA and GLA are called "essential fatty acids" because your body can't make them by itself. You must eat foods (or take supplements) from outside sources containing either Lenoleic Acid (LA) or Alpha Lenolenic Acid (LNA). Flax seed oil contains both of these.

The Linoleic Acid from flax oil must be converted into Gamma Linolenic Acid using D6D enzyme. D6D is blocked by high levels of insulin from eating sugar or simple starches, alcohol, pollutants, or omega-6 fatty acids from vegetable oils, fried foods, trans-fatty acids, emotional stress, etc. D6D also becomes less available as we age. Most importantly, there is a common inherited gene that causes lifelong D6D deficiency. Scientists believe that this gene is the true cause of inherited cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, most cancer, stroke and many other diseases.

Whether inherited or dietary, D6D deficiency may be the major factor causing most deadly diseases. This revolutionary insight is a driving force behind the Anti-Inflammation Health Program.

Fish oils give you EPA and DHA without involving D6D. Borage oil gives you GLA without D6D. Simply to add them into your diet. (1) Take Borage Oil (about 24% GLA), which gives you GLA without needing D6D (best source). Recommended daily dose is 300mg of GLA from one 1,200mg oil capsule for most people - twice that for very large people. (2) Take Fish Oil, which gives you EPA and DHA without needing D6D. Recommended dose is 2.4 grams a day of total EPA and DHA. That means about 3-4 pharmaceutical grade capsules, or 10 normal standard health store capsules. Both these oils together will help your body produce more of the anti-inflammatory prostaglandin series-1 and series-3 inflammation fighters.





article keywords: omega-3 flax seed oil , fish oil,borage oil,anti-inflammation


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